Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

There are some companies that offer discounts to help you reduce your automobile premium. 

We will go over your policy with you to make sure you are getting all discounts available to you. We will also make sure that you have the appropriate amount of coverage.

Available Discounts*

Safe Driver
You can receive a discount by staying accident and ticket free. For more information, see Safe Driver Insurance Plan (SDIP) Information

If you are a AAA member, you are entitled to preferred pricing on your Massachusetts Automobile Policy through MAPFRE Insurance.

Multiple Cars
A 10% discount is available if an individual or married couple own two or more automobiles.

Annual Mileage
You could be eligible for a discount of up to 23% depending on your estimated annual mileage.

Drivers Education
A discount is available if an inexperienced driver listed on the automobile policy (not deferred) has completed an approved training course.

Smart Drivers Discount
A 5% discount if the driver has completed a company approved Advanced Driver Training Program.

Good Student Discount
A 10% discount if the student meets eligibility guidelines.

Student Away from Home
A 15% discount if the student attends school more than 100 miles from home.

Green Discount
A 3% discount if you sign up to have your bills and policies delivered via email.

Paid in Full
A 10% discount if the policy premium is paid in full (at policy renewal).

Disappearing Deductible Credit
This disappearing deductible credit applies to policyholders who have been insured with MAPFRE Insurance for at least one full incident free year. Eligible policyholders will receive a $50 deductible credit for each incident free year for a maximum of $250 or five years. Please refer to the first page of your declaration page to see if you have received this credit.

Accident Forgiveness
Coverage may be purchased to waive and not assign points for at-fault accidents if certain conditions apply. Please contact the office if interested. The cost of the endorsement is 5% of the policy premium.

Age 65 and Over
A 25% discount is available if the principle driver is 65 years of age or older, there are no inexperienced operators, and the automobile is not customarily used in business.

There are discounts available if you have your automobile, homeowner and/or personal umbrella insured with the same company.

Shop Smart Discount
A 10% discount is offered to new customers.

Pan Mass Challenge Discount
A 5% discount with proof of minimum donation of $25.00. Receive an additional 5% if you’re a rider in the Pan-Mass Challenge.

* Some discounts only apply to certain parts on the policy. Discounts offered subject to qualification and company guidelines. The above discounts available for calendar year 2024.

Has Your Exposures to Loss Changed?

Some of your exposures to loss may have changed or been added since we last reviewed your insurance policy. To help us advise you about possible needed changes to your policy; please download and complete the form below, and then email to or fax to (781-329-0844).
Insurance in Massachusetts

Request A Quote

GV&Y Insurance Agency

555 High Street (Route 109)
PO Box 270
Westwood, MA 02090

Phone: 781-329-8963
Fax: 781-329-0844


Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

We are licensed in the state of Massachusetts.


Our Affiliations

Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents
Independent Insurance Agent
